Women in Bloom: Personal Stories of Women Who Returned to College, by Dr. Carol Mattson.
I returned to college, at the age of 30, married and with two children. My college counselor encouraged me and countless others to complete our education. She inspired me to author Women in Bloom: Personal Stories of Women Who Returned to College and Other Words of Inspiration.
The Mind’s Little Corner (Dr. Carol Mattson, co-editor). My sisters and I compiled this book of our mother’s poetry, in her honor. It’s title, The Minds Little Corner, is the title of one of her poems. We were blessed to have a mother who we knew loved us unconditionally. Her words are a testament to her faith and a privilege to share.
The Best Rest of Your Life (Dr. Carol Mattson, graphic designer). My uncle Alton was one of my mentors. He wrote The Best Rest of Your Life when he was in his 90s and legally blind. This alone portrays his attitude toward life; he was always smiling and friendly and a joy to be with. In gratitude for some wonderful childhood memories, I was happy to design the book’s cover.